Monday, 16 July 2012

Milk Bath - Oatmeal milk bath for Babies


Cleopatra was famous for her beautiful skin. Her secret was that she soaked in baths of fresh milk.When we think of milk bath, we think of Cleopatra and imagine her beautiful skin soaking in gallons of milk everyday. It sounds expensive right to waste milk on milk bath? If we think that only Cleopatra can indulge in milk bath, it is wrong. Our skin deserves the best pampering treatment in a natural  and not so expensive way.

Milk bath helps to moisturize the skin particularly winter prone dry skin. The fats and proteins found in milk -- particularly whole milk -- may help to hydrate skin and retain moisture after you step out. Just be sure to rinse off in clean water after your soak so that you're left with a soft, milky glow instead of a sticky milk residue.

Some health experts suggest milk baths may be used to help improve symptoms of some skin problems. Because of the moisturizing fats in milk, it may help to calm redness from a sunburn or to reduce some of the dryness and itching caused by skin conditions such as xerosis or eczema [source: WebMD]. However, if you are concerned about a skin condition that isn't clearing up, you should consult your dermatologist before trying to treat yourself with a milk bath.

We dont need to use litres of milk for milk bath. All we need is one to two cups of Whole fat milk powder /finely ground oatmeal (not the instant oats)/  buttermilk powder which can be mixed to the bathwater to experience the benefit (or) Add 2 to 3 cups of fresh milk or buttermilk to the bathwater as the tub is filling. Soak for a good 20 minutes. Gently rub your skin with a washcloth or loofa to slough off the dead skin. Rinse your body thoroughly after soaking.

Another advice is, using cow's milk for milk bath may not be suitable for lactose intolerant. The alternative is to use finely ground Oatmeal (colloidal oatmeal).

Many baby moisturizing cream contains colloidal oatmeal. Colloidal oatmeal is a product that consists of oats that have been ground very fine for use as a home remedy for itchy or dry skin. People with eczema, chicken pox, bug bites, or poison ivy may find some relief from the itching and dryness with colloidal oatmeal home remedies. 

The ingredients in colloidal oatmeal may help in many ways. It contains avenacins compounds, which have anti-fungal properties; saponins, which can help in cleansing; and flavanoids, which may help with UVA absorption. It also includes vitamin E, which is an anti-inflammatory, along with phenols and starches to help in moisturizing.

Colloidal oatmeal is usually added to warm bath water. The oats do not sink due to the colloid action of the particles of grain dispersing through the water. This helps make it more effective against dry itchy skin and a good homemade remedy to any skin irritations or allergies.

To make colloidal oatmeal blend or process the oats on the highest setting until you have a very fine, consistent powder. To test the colloid property of the oatmeal, stir 1 tablespoon of the ground oats into a glass of warm water. If the oats readily absorb the water and give it a milky look and a silky feel, you've blended long enough.

Oatmeal milk bath for babies and children: (can be indulged by grownups too :)

1 cup of whole oats (not the instant ones!)

Whirl oats in a blender or food processor until they are reduced to fine particles.
Sprinkle the powder into the bath and swirl. You will be amazed at the softness of the water and of your baby's skin.

Take care assisting your baby/ child into the tub as the oatmeal will make the tub even more slippery than usual. Allow your newborns to soak for 3 to 5 minutes and young children to soak in the tub for 10 to 15 minutes and pat dry with a soft towel rather than rubbing. Also make sure that that oatmeal milk bath do not get into the eyes of the newborns.

Bye for now - Until then, with Love from PetalDew


  1. Very easy recipe! Thank you, Petal Dew!

  2. hi

    Everyone wants his baby's skin soft and beautiful..Thank you for Induction. Please try to keep posting Free Stuff for Babies
