Friday, 1 June 2012

Humble sugar and Modest salt- For our skin (Part 2)

In my previous post on "Humble sugar and modest salt - for our skin Part 1" .
we saw the shocking truth of plastics and other harmful ingredients found in some of the scrubs. The safer options are -
1. Buy  scrubs made from 100%  skin safe natural and herbal ingredients (or)
2. Make your own scrubs at home with Sugar and salt.

My simple recipe for sugar scrub which is used to smoothen and exfoliate our skin is -
Sugar scrub-
Fine sugar - 2 teaspoon
Olive oil - 1 teaspoon
Lemon juice - few drops
Add olive oil to the sugar and mix it.  then add lemon juice to it.
In a gentle circular motion apply the mixture gently on your hands/neck/elbows/knees/feet to smoothen the rough areas of the skin. Sugar removes the dead skin cells, Olive oil moisturize the skin and lemon acts as astringent and has got anti-bacterial properties.
Salt scrub -
Use finely grounded sea salt/epson salt/Himalayan salt for making the salt scrub. You can follow the same recipe as above or instead of Olive oil, you can also use extra virgin coconut oil. Adding skin safe essential oils like lavender oil, Rose otto oil will have added benefit to the skin.
The above scrubs can be used on the face provided the sugar and salt are in fine granules. Avoid the sensitive areas of the eye when applying the scrub. 

I made this exotic sugar scrub using pink rose petals from the garden, Coconut butter (Coconut oil in solid form) , Cane sugar, Sweet almond oil and 2 drops of lavender oil.

How to make it:
You’ll need: a glass jar, coconut oil/butter, raw cane sugar, almond and one fragrant rose (here I used pink roses because it is most fragrant roses ever)

Use a small  clear glass jar with a lid. Start by putting a large scoop of coconut oil in the bottom of the jar. It’s an “oil” but at room temp it’s more like a butter consistency and has a white paste texture.
Next, pluck your rose petals and put them into the jar on top of the coconut oil.
Add your raw sugar. If you can’t find raw cane sugar, brown sugar is a great option! 
Add your almond oil on top of the sugar. Almond oil is great because it doesn’t take away the scent in this jar.
Wait a minute for your oil to seep down to the flower petals and then top it off with a little more almond oil. Last but not least, put your lid on and let it sit so the oils can soak into the flower petals.
When you (or the person you’re giving this to as a gift) are ready to use it, take a spoon and mash it all up. The sugar will break up the rose petals and they’ll continue to break up as you rub the scrub on your skin. The smell is INCREDIBLE .Enjoy.
Store it in a dry cool place and it has got a shelf life of 6 months.

Until then Bye from PetalDew - From nature with love.

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting and easy to make recipe! Will certainly try this one! =)
