Monday, 9 July 2012

My Inspiration for PetalDew

PetalDew is a journey of inspiration. The inspiration sprouted with the birth of my first child Sahi. With her birth, I became aware of the differences between baby and adult skincare products and began researching the ingredients, becoming aware of the harm such ingredients cause.

Do we apply the same skin care products used by us on baby's skin? No. Then why cannot we use more safe and natural products on our skin and respect our skin like how we respect the baby's gentle skin? The inspiration blossomed when I carried my second child. My child inside me told me to have a go at my passion - PetalDew (blogging and creating a family-friendly natural skin care range) . Ram - my second child is not there anymore with me but the inspiration that my children have given me continues to grow. I feel I have to continue this journey.

My husband stands by me during tough and rough times I face and his continuous support to me to pursue my passion -  PetalDew is never ending.

I can't go without thanking my mother, my grandmas, my aunts for sharing their wide knowledge on natural ingredients used to make our skin and hair healthy and shiny. Their inputs are invaluable.

My poem for Ram
When there is Sunshine, I think of you,
When the soft breeze is kissing my cheeks, I think of you,
Looking at the sparkling raindrops, I think of you,
When there is laughter around me, I think of you,
When I am happy, I think of you,
There is no sadness , when I think of you,
Your short life inspired me in many ways
I will carry you in my heart and mind,
so as not to lose you forever.
We love you and miss you Ram.
 - Mummy, Baabi and Sahi

I dedicate all the baby natural products I make at home to my sweet ones - Sahi and Ram.
Bye for now from PetalDew - with love from nature.


  1. Dear Bhuvana,

    I can understand your pain & feelings. I will pray to the almighty to give you the strength to come out of this situation.



    1. Thanks a lot for being empathetic.Thank you for supporting my blog. It makes a lot of difference to me. Regards, Bhuvana

  2. It's nice to know that you have come to our blog world.Sure you will come of this phase soon .God will always be with you in the name of RAM .waiting for your next post...........

    1. Under the Mango Tree @ Very soothing words. Thanks a lot.
